
NOTES for Mat 18:7

Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!

Here we can see one more testimony about the character of the Christ’s Annunciation personality, and this is not so easy to take. If it must need that offences come, then why should be punished (and even like with “the millstone around the neck!”) the person who becomes the conductor of this objective need? After all, it’s worth just to imagine that this person won’t be found, – it will mean that the things that are “necessary” won’t happen! Therefore, the man – the offence conductor is objectively an executor of the Lord’s will! Like Judas, who betrayed Christ!

The error in this reasoning consists of the fact that a certain objective "need" is being identified to God's will. The sinful awry of any creature of the world lead objectively towards the appearance of the offences, and falling on these offences or passing through them, man can learn a lot and become more reasonable; but one way or another, the base of any offence is sin and not God's will. The person -transmitter of offences does not only succumb to the sin himself, but also provokes other people to fall into sin, and this is totally against what Jesus calls “justice ". Thus the objective existence of sin and its corollaries doesn’t abolish the responsibility of each person for any of its sins. The death of Jesus, being an objective necessity for our salvation does not justify those who betray, condemn and crucify Him.

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